Human resource development has become an essential component the development process. This is due to the fact that any development process is driven by the human factor. It is in this spirit that the Uganda Public Service Training Policy was designed.
In this paper, it is argued that human resource development /training
policy, like any other policy, must be supported by appropriate
institutional mechanisms and tools if it is to achieve its intended objectives. It is further urge, that policy formulat
ion is a journey with challenges. The strength of the policy implementation lies in identifying such challenges,
and finding ways of overcoming them. Lastly, the discussion reveals that human resource development is closely linked to other human resource factors that pertain at a given period, such as recruitment policies, labour market patterns, the age and experience of staff etc. Human resource development policies therefore must be reviewed from time to time to keep in step with the changing environment.
This paper presents the key components of the human resource
development / training policy in the Uganda Public Service and the
assumptions made. It also highlights the key challenges faced, the lessons learnt and the way forward in enhancing sustainable human resource development in the Uganda Public Service.