The numerical analysis of a thermoelectric refrigeration system was carried out by the finite element method, using ANSYS
V13 software. The geometrical model was developed and analysed, with design modular and thermal-electric mechanical
multi physic solver interface. Bi-Te and Pb-Te thermoelectric modules were considered for analysing their performance.
The current and temperature differences between the hot side and cold sides were varied, to study the characteristics of the
thermoelectric module. The COP for the Bi-Te system was 13.4% higher compared to the Pb-Te under the same operating
conditions. The optimal current and voltage increased linearly with an increase in the differential temperature. The heat
absorbed by the Bi-Te system was 28.42 % higher than that by the Pb-Te. It was concluded that even though the figure of
merit is higher for the Pb-Te at a very high temperature range between 400- 600 K, it shows a lower performance compared
to the Bi-Te, when it is operated at ambient temperature conditions.