For a demi-human Schildwelt or Schildfrieden slave to poison the water and then commit suicide for a religious reason… would be impossible.
I heard in that in such countries, demi-human and human slaves have the same family/tribe crest.
Behind the possession of the paper and the mystery of the concealed slave crest, there must be a hidden, decisive reason.
Moreover, it was obvious that their wrath is aimed at me…
It seems that they want me to be suspected.
I will let you make a human slave if it is me.
What a childish trick.
The one which made the criminal demi-humans affiliates or gave a bad impression and stood up…
“Bury it carefully.” (Naofumi)
“Is that okay?” (Rat)
“He was a victim. He has gone through a lot of hardships so far. I will treat the dead politely at least.” (Naofumi)