Interleukin 6 (IL 6) is the principal mayokine produced by muscle during exercise. IL-6 can act as both a proinflammatory cytokine and an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is,It can both inflammation and reduce it. IL-6 is the first myokine to appear in the muscle and blood during exercise, and plasma IL-6 levels can be elevated 100-fold compared to resting conditions, though smaller changes are more typical (102). It is important that other proinflammatory cytokines associated with chronic inflammation (e.g., TNF-o) do not normally increase with exercise, suggesting that the IL6 released during exercise promotes an anti-inflammatory environment. Con- anti-inflammatory sistent with that, IL 6 has been shown to inhibit the production of TNF and stimulate the production of other anti cytokines inflammatory (101).