I felt relieved that you weren’t by my side
I was like that for a while after you left
Please disappear, leave now
I silently pushed you away
Love me, love, you used to urge me
I hated that
Back then, I couldn’t see it
I didn’t know what love was
I just received it but I’m thirsty again
I’m caught up in the thought of you leaving
You didn’t hold back because you missed me
You knew my heart even before I did
Now I don’t have you anymore
But I can’t let you go now
It’s been a year since I heard your voice
Sometimes, I remember how you used to press me
I cried in front of you, you watched over me
I started to adjust to your standards
Does he love me? Is he testing me?
Now, I suddenly remember it
Love is always like that
Scars remain bigger and longer
Memories can’t be the same for everyone
They’re different with each person’s own script
The scars you gave me that I remember
You, who I remember in my memories
The scars I gave you that I don’t remember
I’m sorry, I hope you’re not the same as me
I didn’t know back then and let it go
But I have no regrets, you were my everything
Why did I know after love ended?
Why didn’t I know back then?
Why am I regretting
Only after giving scars?
The thing that never changes
Is that love always changes