Hold still.
Where did you learn that?
My father was a doctor.
- Bridger.
- Captain we got a small tree niggers out here ...
...waiting to finish the job.
- Hold there. - Yes.
Tell me you got some kind of plan.
Missouri is no good.
Not while the Rees runnin' it.
We got to get off this boat ...
Oh you want to get off the boat?
Then what we're gonna do, hah?
We're gonna take our furs...
And sit out there amongst the Ree, like a bunch of god damn ducks.
Only safe thing to do is track a new course ...
...back upon land.
We'll add weeks to the trip.
Better then floating back down there where they can get their eyes on us.
They got eyes on you right now, son.
What I'm saying is we stay on the boat.
Try the course toward the Fort ...
We take the chances on the water.
Glass knows this territory better than the rest of us put together.
It's his job to get us home safe.
- Get us home safe? - Yeah.
- Need I remind you we already lost 32 men?
- 33 now.
They were my men Fitzgerald, i know how many I lost.
We do like Glass says, that's the end of it.
We have to set the boat loose.
If Ree are tracking us, they will find it down the river.
The best course is hike in on the ground and follow it down... Fort Kahowa.
- What, on foot? - Are you sure?
It'd be a week before we get there.
Unless we come across a poach straying prison horses.
Ain't no poach that far over.
Right, Captain.
Losing this boat is god damn stinking.
Besides the Ree ain't that stupid ...
If we keep it, we can lay it up around hours peak.
Quit acting like you know what you're talking about Fitzgerald.
Ain't nobody talking to you.
Who'd listen to you anyway.
God damn, can't even find the way fuckin... potato shit...
All I'm sayin' is ...
...Camp Roollin is just up away.
And we can hold up there.
We walk.
Yeah, I'm sure we will.
God damn, wish my daddy was a doctor then he could have bought me a Captains job.
So what do we do now?
Praying that poach ain't rockin' if we ever get back here... pick them up. - Make sure to mark this place.
We're leaving a fortune under these rocks.
No more room here, you gotta move up the hill.
- Glass. Chart a course.
Try as you can figure to get us around the Ree.
- Yes sir.
- This ain't right, this ain't right.
We all know that this furs ain't won't be here by the time we come back.
There is no way we can hold them all the way back... the fort.
Not the way we're going, besides Arikara is...
...spread all through their territory, we want to go with our hands free.
I'm tryin' to tell you're gonna lose this pelts.
- Would you rather hold on to the pelts or your life?
What life you talking about? I ain't got no life.
I just got livin' the only way I get to do that is through this pelts.
Calm there Fitz.
Make a way, I'm going home ...
After six months working my ass of like a mule,
risking my neck ... dying and for what?
Damn nearly lost everything.
This job's been fucked from the start.
There is the one being fuckin' us.
Any of you boys wonder how Ree managed to get their drop on us
...for Mr. Glass here,
was supposed to be looking out for that fucking thing.
All them Pawnee buddies of his. - Pawnees as much against rees as the rest of us.
What about his little...
...half-breed son?
And what kind of savage you think his momma was.
Lay of the boy Fitz.
All I'm saying here.
Savage is savage ...
Hey Glass.
Is it true what they say? That you shootin' a lieutenant ...
while you was living with them savages?
21 dead soldiers, more than 40 dead feather necks...
but you and your boy are the only ones to get walk out alive.
It was kind of a miracle, don't you think?
You need to shut up Fitzgerald.
Is that what you did?
Shot one of your own to save this little dog right here?
- Shut up. - You want to fight son?
You were playing with this little boy's momma?
- Fitzgerald! - Need to kill her?
Hey you can quit polishing that rifle, while I'm talking to you.
I'm working on it.
You can work on it later when I'm done talking to you.
- Look at me scalp. - That's enough!
You're forgettin' your place boy.
As far as I can tell my place is right here, on the smart end of this rifle.
You move along Fitzgerald.
That's an order.
Listen to me.
We only have a couple hours of light left.
We gotta stash these pelts ...
...and get rid of the boat, let's go.
Yes, Captain.
I told you to be invisible, son.
- At least ... - If you want to survive keep your...
...mouth shut.
- At least he heard me ... - They don't hear your voice!
They just see the color of your face.
You understand?
- Do you understand? - Yes.
You have to listen to me, son.
You have to listen.
Why are they not jumping?
It looks like they changed their minds.
Smart sons of bitches.
Smart ...
I ought to be on that boat.
You did the right thing.
It's time to move.
Get up.
We're headed out.
I'm coming.
It's better you lay down.
When the rest of the men are ready you send them to me.
I'm going west.
You are my son.
You are my son.
There are only two here.