The FTIR absorption spectrum of the solid state compound was
recorded from KBr pellets in the 4000–400 cm
frequency range
with a Perkin–Elmer GX1 Fourier Transform infrared instrument.
The corresponding Raman dispersive spectrum was measured in
the 3500–50 cm
interval with a Thermoscientific DXR Raman
microscope. The Raman data were collected (at 5 cm1
resolution) using a diode-pump solid state laser of 532 nm wavelength, a con-focal aperture of 25lm pinhole and 10x objective.
The sample was placed on gold-coated sample slides. To achieve
a sufficient signal to noise ratio, 30 spectral scans of 2 s each were
accumulated during the measurements with the laser power maintained at 10 mW.