customers to the UCC as well as the appropriate location of the UCC and parking spaces. Another important point
for the MSSA was to create the business model to sustain the JDS by using profits of the operation of the car park
and so on. The MASS is the core organization for the JDS and they have set clear and simple goals of reducing CO2
emissions by pickup-delivery trucks and providing a good atmosphere in the shopping street by reducing pickupdelivery
trucks. Although no subsidies were given by Yokohama city, other support was provided that involved
preparing parking spaces for pickup-delivery trucks nearby the shopping street. Around 85% of the goods are
transported by the JDS in Motomachi area, excluding furniture and fresh food. Both pickup and delivery of goods
are carried out by the JDS in Motomachi, whereas there are some cases where only delivery is done by the JDS in
other areas. Whole area of Motomachi is covered by the JDS including about 500 shops in the shopping street and
about 850 individual homes surrounding the shopping street. A number of freight carriers drop off their goods at the
UCC and the neutral freight carrier delivers goods to customers using CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) trucks
(Figure 2) to three parking spaces and then delivers goods to the final destinations by cart (Figure 3)