tObjective: To describe the role of social values in priority setting related to health technologyassessment processes and decision-making in Australia.Approach: The processes and decision criteria of the Pharmaceutical and Medical BenefitsAdvisory Committees are described based on literature and policy sources, and analysedusing a framework for identifying social values in priority-setting.Findings: Transparency and accountability of processes are apparent. Participation bal-ances inclusiveness and effectiveness of decision-making, but presents an opportunity toenhance priority setting processes. Clinical and cost-effectiveness are important contentconsiderations. Social values related to justice/equity are considered, without quantifica-tion of criteria weights for equity relative to other factors. HTA processes support solidaritythrough subsidising approved technologies for all Australians, whilst retaining autonomyby permitting non-subsidised technologies to be accessed privately, leading to possibletension between the values of solidarity, autonomy and equity.Conclusions: Priority setting related to health technology subsidy incorporates a range ofinter-related social values in the processes and content of decision-making. Participationin decision-making could arguably be improved if a patient and public engagement policywere to be formulated alongside more widespread changes across processes to assess socialvalues using approaches such as the Citizens’ Jury.