The objective of this paper is to present an assessment of the priority order of reverse logistics indicators in a
small company of the footwear cluster in the Cariri region in the state of Ceara, Brazil. To this end, we used the
reverse logistics management Model, which utilizes the Analytic Network Process (ANP) as an MCDM method
José Leonardo da Silveira Guimarães and Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon / Procedia Computer Science 55 ( 2015 ) 139 – 148 147
suitable for the fact to allow qualitative and quantitative evaluations, as well as to evaluate dependency
relations in the interactions of elements and/or components of the model.
The paper presents a literature review regarding the main aspects related to RL and ANP.
The study was carried out through a qualitative approach with the specific strategy of studying the case, in
which a member of the company's materials management provided the necessary information.
Using the Super Decisions software version 2.0.8 all calculations were executed, having as a main result the
vector with the relative priorities of the indicators proposed in the model used.
From this, it turns out that there is a similarity in relation to the study in a sample of Brazilian companies for
the first four indicators, which is mainly explained by the priority level of the Economic drivers (55.7%) and
Image (24.6 %), and the influences that these indicators receive from other indicators.
For the other indicators there was changes in priorities in relation to sample research with Brazilian
companies. One must in this case consider the influence of the type of enterprise included in the survey and the
programs (drivers) of RL.
One must consider the limitations found out to carry this study. So far, only two representatives of the
business management of the footwear cluster in focus could be interviewed, only one responded to issues
related to the trials and the other assessed the level of priority for drivers, already established in the model,
whereas realistic to be used. The company whose representative answered the questions, did not identify
reverse logistics programs, only activities related to materials returns, using hence the term drivers instead of
RL programs. In addition, the representative added that some metrics / indicators were difficult to identify.
The continuation of this work, should seek to add more information from other companies in the footwear
cluster in the Cariri region of the state of Ceara, also including midsize companies, to identify features, as well
as adequacy of the analysis model used to assist in the evaluation of the RL indicators.