Disease progress was monitored by measuring the lesion diameter 72 h after infection of detached Arabidopsis leaves by B. cinerea (Fig. 3). Inoculation tests were conducted using three different inocula:(i) water:acetone and B. cinerea (control-1); (ii) P. terrestris extract alone (control-2); (iii) P. terrestris extract and B. cinerea (treatment). While dark legions were formed in the leaf of control-1, no legions were observed in the other leaves (control-2
and treatment). A lesion with a diameter of approximately 0.74 mm developed in response to B. cinerea inoculation
(control-1), while a 0.12 mm diameter legion was observed in response to B. cinerea inoculation with the extract (treatment). A small dark spot was detected in the control-2 after treatment with the extract (0.05 mm).