A Title Search is a detailed review of the financial status of an airplane, and examines the legal ownership of a plane. In a title search one will discover if there are any open liens or encumbrances on an airplane. Often times liens go unnoticed for years and only discovered at time of sale-- that is IF you did a title search. Don't make the sophisticated mistake of thinking you know a lot about an airplane. There could have been clouds on the title when you bought it that the previous owner never took care of. At an additional fee of $350 per Lien we can clear your title of old liens that may stand in the way of a successful sale of your airplane! A title search prevents you from making the costly mistake of buying an airplane only to find out you just assumed the tax debt of a previous owner. It's almost mandatory, even on slightly used airplane. Quick story of a 2007 factory new airplane. It went from the factory to the dealer, dealer had liens placed on it by their banker, dealer sold the factory new airplane to it's first owner, who like many would assume that a brand new airplane would be free and clear of any title issues-- wrong--. Only when the customer went to sell his airplane in 2009 did he discover that there was still an open lien on his airplane by the dealers bank.