The Thai Exhibition Association or commonly known as the TEA, is the association of exhibition related business of exhibition organizers, exhibition centres, exhibition stand contractors, freight forwarders and related suppliers cledicated to the promotion and development of exhibitions in Thailand.
The Thai Exhibition Association “TEA” ( was founded in accordance with the Trade Association Act of 1996, under the supervision of the Trade Association Registrar Office, Bangkok Metropolitan in the year 2007. Among the objectives of the Association are to promote the Association, and the operation and servicing of national and international exhibitions for exhibitors and visitors; to earn revenue for the country by promoting Thailand ad a location for national and international exhibitions; to promote international standards of facilities and services for exhibitors; and to promote and facilitate cooperation among members and to exchange information and ideas related to national and international trade exhibitions; to cooperate with the government and the private sector, e.g. organizations, associations, companies and individuals which the Association considers beneficial to our Association.