According to Dr. Kent, general format is acceptable for use in Asian / Thai contexts, but contains information that would not be appropriate to include in the U.S. or many European nations. Remember to use “reverse chronological order”, that is to list things like experience, education, etc. starting with the latest item (newest) and working backward in time. It is also easy to get a snapshot of an applicant’s work history at a glance. Besides, it clearly highlights the applicant’s skill sets and accomplishments. Obviously, the combination resume is very eye catching and can attract the attention of employers very easily, However, there is one disadvantage of this format that it might be leng thier than a single format resume.
Overall the language is appropriate, professional and easy to understand. The information is communicated clearly and effectively. However, there are some minor wording and grammar errors, but not severe enough to affect the clear and effective communication of the message.
Very good for an English language learner and approaching native like quality.