how does the reading pane work
reading is a complex process it requires different here is the brain to be activated it a coordinated and synchronized to be just like an orchestra to maximize our ability to decode written
texted temporal lobe located towards the lower back of the brain the state even if the brain responsible for discriminating speech sounds the misperception up the smallest part of speech a phoneme can completely change the meaning of the word or sentiment listen to fair
and there in the words fan and bed the continent part of the syllables is hurt for only a fraction of a second at the onset of the weren't but misperception this fifty-pound can have huge implications when listening to instructions and information good children who have problems differentiating
speech sounds at the Forney me level well struggled with phonological awareness and with recording would I the frontal lobe the kid at the front of the brain with the left and right of is involved in many functions such as movement decision-making problem-solving planning
and memory the left of this language related and is responsible speech production
reading fluency dramatic own usage and comprehension of grammar children with grammatical comprehension problems also have difficulty with prefixes suffixes and complex grammatical sentences good the think Allegra iris situated at the collar of the brain need to pack and topside of the temporal lobe functions St reading integrated it is the hub that helps convert visual input to argue ok if this part of the brain is not well developed the child may not be able to
meet leftist s a T do the work set even though he might if you missed that that many times at these brain areas do not work in isolation the act as part of the brain's network when you strengthen one area it improves the entire network conversely if you do not use any area it recant and false into disrepair just like and abandoned building