One day in the rice farming season, the son left home before dawn to plough the field. He worked until late that morning. The sun shone brightly and it was hot. The young man was hungry. While working, he looked and looked many times for his mother. But she did not appear. After a long while, she showed up at last. He scolded his mother rudely. The mother said she had just come from the monastery(wat) on the Buddhist holiday (Wan Phra)
for merit-making. She quickly opened the boxes of food and asked her son to eat his breakfast. When the hungry young man saw the small rice-box, he got angrier. He said, "There is not enough rice in this small rice-box for me to eat. Why don't you bring ma a bigger one?" His mother said, "This rice-box is small but there is much rice in it, dear son. Please eat it and you'll be full.