3. Methodology
3.1 Scales
With the purpose of examining the hypotheses the questionnaires which are enhanced from former studies and
adopted, are used. The concepts are measured by 5 point likert scale; “from 1: strongly disagree to 5: strongly
agree’’. However Project team size as a control variable is evaluated with ratio scale. The survey questions are in
the factor analysis table. There is brief summary of scales below.
3.1.1 Leadership
To measure leadership in virtual teams Yukl’s (1998) Leadership Behavioral Taxonomies can be referred.
Leadership Behavioral Taxonomies is a classification to analyze the characteristics and behaviors of leaders. It
was published in 1981, then, updated by Yukl in 1998. This taxonomy is based upon the former studies and
models and measured with the leadership behavior scale consisting of 22 items, excerpted from Strang (2004).
1) Team Learning: To measure team learning in virtual teams, team learning scale consisting of 9 items
taken from Chan vd’s studies (2003) is used.
2) Team Performance: To measure team performance in virtual teams, team performance scale consisting
of 4 items taken from the studies of Greiner (2004), Chan et al. (2003) and Erdem, Ozen and Atsan
(2003) is used.