1. If a qualifier refers to a characteristic that occurs at a specific point of depth (e.g.
Raptic), optional subqualifiers can be constructed with the following specifiers:
Epi- (from Greek epi, over): the characteristic is present somewhere ≤ 50 cm
from the (mineral) soil surface and is absent > 50 and ≤ 100 cm from the
(mineral) soil surface.
Endo- (from Greek endon, inside): the characteristic is present somewhere
> 50 and ≤ 100 cm from the (mineral) soil surface and is absent ≤ 50 cm
from the (mineral) soil surface.
Amphi- (from Greek amphi, around): the characteristic is present two or
more times, once or more times somewhere ≤ 50 cm from the (mineral)
soil surface and once or more times somewhere > 50 and ≤ 100 cm from
the (mineral) soil surface.