assigned for 11 in a previous report.9 However, the proton signal at δH 6.07, which was previously assigned to the glucose-2 H-1, was not observed, and an alternative proton signal (δH 5.59), which was assigned to glucose-2 H-2 in the previous report, was assigned here to two overlapping proton signals of glucose-2 H-1 and H-2 on the basis of its HSQC correlation with two carbon signals (δC 93.4 and 71.5). Similarly, the proton signal at δH 6.16 (1H, br s) was assigned to the glucose-1 anomeric proton on the basis of the HSQC correlation with the glucose anomeric carbon signal at δC 93.4. Because the chemical shift of the signal at δH 6.07 in the 1H NMR spectrum of 11 was coincident with the DHDG moiety H-2 signal of isohirtellin C (13) (see Experimental Section), this signal was attributed to the contamination with 13, which could be derived from isomerization of 11.9 Analogous problems that were also found when assigning glucose carbons in the previous report9 have been fixed, and full assignments of the carbon of 11 are reported here (Tables 2 and 4).