uddenly, there was a knock on the door. Who in the world would be bothering you at this time? Standing up and peeking out a window, your eyes widened to see Red leaning on the porch wall looking out over the neighborhood. Though his visit was un expecting, a smile formed on your lips and you opened the door. “Hey Red, what are you doing here?”
Red had his hands in his pants pocket when he looked at you. To tell the truth, you thought he looked..kinda cute when he stood there. “Thought I’d...come for a visit..if it’s not a problem.” You began to blush, no one had ever wanted to visit you before. You only nodded and gave him room to enter your home.
uddenly, there was a knock on the door. Who in the world would be bothering you at this time? Standing up and peeking out a window, your eyes widened to see Red leaning on the porch wall looking out over the neighborhood. Though his visit was un expecting, a smile formed on your lips and you opened the door. “Hey Red, what are you doing here?” Red had his hands in his pants pocket when he looked at you. To tell the truth, you thought he looked..kinda cute when he stood there. “Thought I’d...come for a visit..if it’s not a problem.” You began to blush, no one had ever wanted to visit you before. You only nodded and gave him room to enter your home.
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