Loan Contract (General)
This contract was made on (date)………….. Month……………………B.E. Year………………..
At House No………………….Street………………………..………….Alley/Soi…………….……………
Between (name)…..………………………………………………………………………………………….
Residing at………………………….………………………………………………………………………..
Hereafter referred to as the BORROWER
And (name)…………….…………………………………………………………………………………….
Residing at…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Hereafter referred to as the LENDER
The two parties agree to enter the contract as follows:
1. The BORROWER has borrowed money from the lender in the amount of ……………….baht
The BORROWER has received money in good order on the day of the contract and agrees to pay back the
lender by (date)…………… Month…………………Year……………….
2. The BORROWER agrees to pay interest to the LENDER at the rate of …….% per year and
agree to pay the interest every …… month.
3. Other conditions (if any)
4. For this loan, the BORROWER has brought an asset(s) as collateral to the LENDER to keep
which is (are)
The above asset belongs to the BORROWER solely and there is no burden attached to it.
On the date of entering this contract, the LENDER has kept the asset(s) used as collateral and will
return it (them) to the BORROWER when the BORROWER has paid off the debt as stated in this
5. If one of the parties does not follow one or more conditions in this contract, he/she will allow
the other party submit a claim to court to execute the case and will compensate the expenses used
in the court procedures and court order.
For the record, both parties have read the content of this contract carefully and it has been written
as the two parties wish. Therefore, the two parties are putting down their signatures in the
presence of the witnesses.
Signature………………………………….THE BORROWER
Signature ………………………………….THE LENDER
Signature ………………………………….Witness
Signature ………………………………….Witness/ Recorder