i. Identify relevant mechanisms to carry out cooperation activities in preventing and combating
corruption and strengthen links and cooperation between the relevant agencies;
ii. Encourage all ASEAN Member States to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on
Cooperation for Preventing and Combating Corruption signed on 15 December 2004;
iii. Promote ASEAN cooperation to prevent and combat corruption, bearing in mind the above MoU,
and other relevant ASEAN instruments such as the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal
Matters (MLAT);
iv. Encourage ASEAN Member States who are signatories to the United Nations Convention against
Corruption to ratify the said Convention; and
v. Promote the sharing of best practices, exchange views and analyse issues related to values, ethics
and integrity through appropriate avenues and fora and taking into account inputs from various
seminars such as the ASEAN Integrity Dialogue