What kind of crown were you trying to wear? Was it wealth? Fame or love? You can't have everything..... So, I choose love and will always choose it! Wealth and fame are things that will make you happy temporarily... Yes you have money you are rich and famous, but your life is too complicated and LONELY! You have lots of friends when you have those, but its hard to figure out who are real! You will never know who loves you truly..... Freedom to choose , to walk, to speak and to decide is hard when you are rich and famous because you need to think of what others will say against you or need to protect your money, your name! While love will always make you happy and inspired to do things that will make your life better..... That was Kim Tans decision to wear the crown of.....LOVE! While his brother chose to wear....WEALTH and FAME but turned his heart lonely! What crown would you want to wear