Stage 2: Generating Scale Items and Establishing Content
From our literature review and qualitative study, we generated
a list of 80 items to capture the three dimensions of EEC from
the customer’s perspective. We examined this list for content
validity by providing 11 scholars with our definition of EEC
and its three dimensions and instructing them to rate the representativeness,
specificity, clarity, and conciseness of each item
(DeVellis 2003; Netemeyer, Bearden, and Sharma 2003). Our
experts qualitatively (i.e., written reports of the specificity,
clarity, and conciseness of each item) and quantitatively (i.e.,
evaluations of the representativeness of each item on a
5-point Likert-type scale) assessed the items. From their feedback,
we deleted items deemed unrepresentative by two or