The non-equidistant shear zone model,which was presented
and proved by al. [29], is considered as a thin shear
band of constant thickness h ¼ 0:025mm, as shown in Fig. 1. In this
model, the entry boundary(CD) and the exit boundary(EF) are
parallel but non-equidistant to the main shear plane(AB). The shear
bandconsists of two non-equidistant thickness κh and
ð1κÞh, characterized by the portion κA½0; 1. In addition,the
shear angle is ϕ, the rake angle of the tool is γ0, the cutting depth is
h0, and the chip thickness is hc. In the hodograph, V; Vc; Vn and Vs
are denoted as the cutting velocity,the chi pvelocity,the normal
velocity and the shear velocity,respectively.