More than 60 C terpenophenols derived differently from
one another in their chemical structure by location and
number of carbons have been isolated from Cannabis sativa
[2]. In the early 1990s, the endocannabinoid derivatives of
arachidonic acid, which bind to cannabinoid receptors in
the body, were located. The endocannabinoids are active
mostly on the central nervous system as neuromodulators
or retrograde messengers, which inhibit the release of other
neurotransmitters [3], giving the background for the different
unspecific influences of Cannabis sativa on different symptoms.
Along with the popularity of the cannabis plant as an
effective treatment for disease symptoms in oncology patients
and for various medicinal indications unrelated to cancer
patients, there is growing evidence to demonstrate interest in
the use of cannabinoids in medicine, although high quality
More than 60 C terpenophenols derived differently from
one another in their chemical structure by location and
number of carbons have been isolated from Cannabis sativa
[2]. In the early 1990s, the endocannabinoid derivatives of
arachidonic acid, which bind to cannabinoid receptors in
the body, were located. The endocannabinoids are active
mostly on the central nervous system as neuromodulators
or retrograde messengers, which inhibit the release of other
neurotransmitters [3], giving the background for the different
unspecific influences of Cannabis sativa on different symptoms.
Along with the popularity of the cannabis plant as an
effective treatment for disease symptoms in oncology patients
and for various medicinal indications unrelated to cancer
patients, there is growing evidence to demonstrate interest in
the use of cannabinoids in medicine, although high quality