3.2 Land property rights
3.2.1 Own land
3.2.2 Rented land
3.2.3 Other tenancy systems
3.3 Land prices and rent
3.3.1 Land prices for different types
3.3.2 Land rent and renting conditions
3.4 Land use
3.4.1 Agricultural land
3.4.2 Perennial cropped land
3.4.3 Grazing land
3.4.4 Communal land
3.4.5 Forestry
3.5 Land use sustainability
3.5.1 Land use change (last 10 years)
3.5.2 Level of soil degradation
3.5.3 Yield reduction
3.5.4 Conservation measures
3.6 Farmer's opinion on land resource