„Ocean Dragon Big Brother, had something saying that with them, that Zou Shenme dares to meet a Uncle sword?” Bai Hanmo did not have the patience to make the struggle of argument with them, immediately the personal appearance has exploded directly, white jade Long Sword gets rid, when air burst cuts the formidable sword glow, falls toward Zou Xueqi suddenly.
„Bold!” Zou Xueqi sees Bai Hanmo, unexpectedly dares to attack itself, immediately the violent anger, he not hit being caught off guard, after all Bai Hanmo and he gathers very far, the surprise attack cannot have the effect of true surprise attack.
However lets his violent anger truly is actually the Zou Xueqi manner, he kept aloof, did pacifies Ocean Region only -and-a-half Law Characteristics Boundary expert abundantly, in pacified in Ocean Region abundantly, his status in Ocean Dragon Noble Son compared with Yun Xing Ocean Region will be only high.
However now actually really the not to have reality just likes a stray cur, Bian Yun, who however the present boy is, unexpectedly dares to begin to him.
The Bai Hanmo offensive cut instantaneously, his Sword Technique Cultivation to terrifying Realm, sword light has swayed, making the world turn into a world of white sheet jade, came up to launch the fierce attack, just liked a tank of battering is ordinary, any kept off in front thing, must be destroyed, destroys the hardest defenses.
„Dang!” Bai Hanmo Long Sword cut suddenly above Long Spear in Zou Xueqi hand, in huge strange strength Long Spear in his hands swayed suddenly.
The Bai Hanmo strength, making the tigers mouth of Zou Xueqi faintly have the sign of cracking, however his actually root could not attend to at this time such many, attacked because of Bai Hanmo another wave.
The attack of Bai Hanmo looks like the great waves is simply ordinary, inexhaustible, in an instant sweeps across, continuous, Zou Xueqi has not taken seriously Bai Hanmo from the beginning, ate slightly to owe, then the root pulled out does not get rid to counter-attack, fell into the Bai Hanmo rhythm completely, offensive unceasing leaning of Bai Hanmo ground, terrifying.
„Hissing, has not thought that in Yun Xing Ocean Region, besides that Ye Xiwen, has terrifying existence of fellow such unexpectedly!”
In all person hearts has had this idea, Zou Xueqi in them is also the power and influenced acquired over a long period for a long time, although defeated in the hand of Bian Yun, however in people opinion he as before was established half Law Characteristics Boundary expert, a strength was immeasurably deep, except for Bian Yun, he should be in this region strongest existence.
However now is being pressed hitting by Bai Hanmo unexpectedly completely, although the part of reasons are Bai Hanmo attack marketablily first, hit his one to be caught off guard, but this cannot cover Bai Hanmo to be truly intrepid the incomparable fact.
So was only fierce on this Bai Hanmo, that early became famous, now strided in half Law Characteristics Boundary Ocean Dragon Noble Son, this strong to what degree?
„Damn!” Fell into leeward in Zou Xueqi to be burning with anger completely all of a sudden, the feeling was likely disgraceful in the front of entire city person.