Dear Khun Suchart and Khun Mars,
FYI we have one shipment, CN020-83124554 09 pieces (Dims 235 X 127 X 157 CM ) plan on EW121/10Sep which is just nice to load 02 pieces onto 01 LD.
Cargo is preferable to plan as thru units from HKT to final destination. So eight pieces onto 04 LDs and the ninth piece we are looking at the option to load onto 01 PLA.
This will free up 01 LD of space on the flight for other cargoes …
But unfortunately, this plan cannot work as the flight on the last sector is unable to accommodate the PLA … so we are back to square one and will have to plan 05 LDs for this shipments.
Any other cargoes on EW121/10Sep we will need to plan on the remaining 03 LD3.