corn processing method and corn bran type. Corn processing
methods were dry-rolled corn (DRC) or steamflaked
corn (SFC). Corn bran types were DRY, WET,
corn bran rehydrated to 40% moisture (REHY40), or
corn bran rehydrated to 60% moisture (REHY60). Corn
bran was fed at 30% of the dietary DM (Table 2) and
replaced either DRC or SFC. Two additional diets were
fed without corn bran (NOBR). The DRY and WET
were produced from a wet milling plant (Cargill Inc.,
Blair, NE). The REHY60 was produced by adding water
to DRY before storage until theDMcontent was similar
to the wet corn bran (40% DM). The WET and REHY60
were stored in silo bags. The REHY40 was produced
three times weekly with the addition of water to DRY
and then stored in a commodity shed until used. This
procedure was done to simulate the amount of moisture
that would be added when steep is added to bran to
make a 60% DM wet CGF. Rehydrated bran (REHY40
and REHY60) was mixed using truck mixers (Rotomix,
J-Star Industries, Inc.) with weighing capability.
Steam-flaked corn was processed to a flake density of
0.34 kg/L (26 lb/bushel) at a commercial feedlot (Mead
Cattle Co., Mead, NE) and delivered weekly. All diets
contained (DM basis) 3.5% alfalfa, 3.5% sorghum silage,
and 10% corn steep. Steers were adapted to finishing
diets in 21 d using DRC or SFC (treatment dependent)