The evening goes very fast. April only thinks about one thing-Green Oceans. But then, two hours later, the music stops. She stands under a white light. Laura and all the other dances are beside her. Everyone in the theatre is throwing flowers. "I think they like us," says Laura. There is a sad smile on April's face. "Yes," she says. "I think they do." Twenty-four hours later, all the British dancers are at Moscow airport. "Now I'm never going to see Nikolai again," thinks April. "And I can't write to him. I don't know his add" Then someone says her name. She turns. It's Nikolai ! "The plane's leaving," says Maria Grant. April looks at Nikolai. He gives her a parcel and walks away. On the plane, April sits next to Luara. Her eyes are wet. She opens the parcel. "Oh,look," says Laura. "It's one of those music boxes-the ones in the market. And there's a letter, too! What does it say?" But April is too happy to speak. She looks at the letter. "Can I come and see you in England?" "Oh, Nikolai, yes," she thinks. "Yes, you can!