You sleep for a really long time..." Stated Kakarotto as Yamcha walked in the kitchen with a hand over his head.
Yamcha groaned and glared at the younger male, "it's a hang-over. Where you drink too much alcohol"
Kakarotto frowned, "Do you have a hot drinking liquid... Containing water, milk, and black powder put in? It sort of makes people less tired.."
"Hot drinking liquid?" Yamcha gave him a stupid look, "Coffee?"
"We call it that too in planet Vegeta!" Goku chirped.
Yamcha sighed, "Yes I have coffee..... Hey... Are those my pajamas?"
Kakarotto nodded, "Yep. Puar got them from your room when you were acting weird with this female at your house......"
"I brought a girl here?!" Yamcha yelled.
Kakarotto ignored the question, "These are pretty big pajamas though, they hardly fit me."
A woman walked into the kitchen causally and started making herself coffee, "Anyone want some?"
"Me!" Kakarotto put his hand up.
"Who the hell are you?! Get out of my house!" Yamcha yelled.
The purple-haired woman frowned, "You don't remember me?"
"Uh... I do! I just don't want you here anymore!"
"Oh yeah?" She challanged, "What's my name then? Get it right, then I'll leave."
Yamcha was silent.
"It's Mai!" Goku cheered.
"How did you know?!" Yamcha questioned.
"Because she has it on her necklace, in English letters..." he narrowed his eyes.
Yamcha facepalmed, "Shit I should seen that." he mumbled, then looked at Mai, "I was about to say your name was Mai you know."
"No you werent."
"Shut-up Goku!"
Kakarotto rolled his eyes and stretched, "Do you have that warm waterfall-"
"Yeah that!" Goku clicked his fingers.
"Yes I have that too!" Yamcha yelled in annoyance.
"Can I-"
"Yea! Just get out of here already!" The human said madly.
Goku walked out of the room. Then everything went silent. Yamcha sighed and turned to Mai, "OK look, last night I had a little too much to drink-"
"Oh where's the shower?" Goku's head popped into the kitchen again.
"God dammit Goku! Just go straight in the hallway then turn right"
Kakarotto nodded and left again quickly. Yamcha groaned and put his hand over his forehead. Things weren't usually like this, Yamcha mostly went to the GIRLS house, he never brought them to his own house. He wasn't ready to make a commitment....
Mai frowned, "Jerk." she muttered and left the room. Yamcha watched her leave the front door and drive off.
He let out a sigh of relief, "Lord, what am I going to do now? Is today Sunday?" He looked at Puar. she only nodded.
Kakarotto bolted back into the kitchen, "Oh no! Mai's gone?! Who's gonna make my hot drinking liquid now?!"
Yamcha lowered his eyes.