Now what about that appetizing vat of scrambles eggs? Better than nothing is my answer, but if you can avoid the breakfast bar altogether you’ll be better off. My favorite when traveling is to make a smoothie with a quality organic whey protein powder or raw eggs from pastured-chickens mixed with a full-fat dairy like kefir, yogurt, or raw-whole milk and fruit. The problem with cooking everything is that it puts tremendous stress on the digestive function; especially as we age or develop disease. I have patients that will only consume cooked food. For them I recommend supplementing meals with active digestive enzymes. They may not get all the benefits as if eating raw foods, but it is better than nothing. For the rest of us, a little can go a long way. A simple step can be adding raw dairy or a fermented beverage like kombucha tea to your diet. Raw eggs and raw meats can be added (sushi anyone?). Raw fruit and vegetables are other sources for living enzymes, other heat sensitive nutrients and to diversify our microbiome.