The only cyclopoid species found was Thermocyclops decipiens. The phantom midge Chaoborus sp. was also part of the zooplankton community. Based on numbers, cladocerans represented a significant component of the zooplankton in both dry and rainy seasons. Four species (Brachionus spp., K. tropica, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina sp., and T. decipiens) had never previously been found in the reservoir, but were recorded for other standing Colombian water bodies. The replacement of B. longirostris instead of Daphnia sp. as dominant species was observed. The results of the comparison of the different studies confirmed that the trophic state of this artificial lake may be classified as eutrophic, and in general, physical, and chemical homogeneity were observed both spatially and temporally.
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