We will use a systematic approach for extracting data to minimize the risk of bias in this process. We will create standardized forms for data extraction, which will be pilot tested. By creating standardized forms for data extraction, we will maximize consistency in identifying all pertinent data available for synthesis. Each article will undergo double review by study investigators for data abstraction. The second reviewer will confirm the first reviewer‘s data abstraction for completeness and accuracy. Reviewer pairs will be formed to include personnel with both clinical or domain, and methodological expertise. A third reviewer will audit a random sample of articles by the first two reviewers to ensure consistency in the data abstraction of the articles. Reviewers will not be masked to the articles’ authors, institution, or journal. For all articles, reviewers will extract information on general study characteristics (e.g., study design, study period, and follow-up), study participants (e.g., type of provider, type of practice etc.), eligibility criteria, interventions (e.g., type of intervention), outcome measures and the method of ascertainment, and the results of each outcome, including measures of variability.