Preparing for a job interview
Katreeya is asking Chanachai about his job interview experience. Listen to the conversation and do the comprehension tasks.
Katreeya: How should I prepare for a job interview next week? Could you give me some interview tips?
Chanachai: Sure. First, you should do research on the company you are applying to. For example, you should find out information about the company’s objectives, their products, target customers, markets and turnover.
Katreeya: What’s next?
Chanachai: You should tell them how your knowledge and skills will be valuable to their company. The most important thing you should bear in mind is that you’re the best person for the position and prove that your qualifications and experience match the job requirements.
Katreeya: By the way, how should I dress when going to the interview?
Chanachai: Well, you have to wear a proper dress which is neat and clean. Your dress should make you look professional.
Katreeya: One more thing. What documents should I bring along?
Chanachai: The originals and copies of your qualification papers, a copy of your re'sume', copies of references and samples of your work. You should put all of them in a folder in a well-organized way.
Katreeya: Anything else?
Chanachai: Well, all you have to do is – don’t be nervous and make yourself feel comfortable so you won’t lose your confidence during the interview.
Katreeya: Thank you indeed for your valuable advice.
Chanachai: Good luck!