Not anymore though, right Jiyong?” Seunghyun asked, black orbs drilling into Jiyong’s own dark russet ones.
Finally, Jiyong dropped his gaze to his lap. He the rim of his glass of water and felt his sinuses tingle with the specter of unshed tears. “No, not anymore.”
“Why not?” the eldest asked again, voice stronger than he felt.
“Because we can’t… we can’t put our own happiness before the band’s, or the company’s, or the fans’-”
“That’s such bull, Jiyong, and we both know it. You dumped me because Ri found us together, and it scared the out of you. You’re afraid, Jiyong. You’re terrified of everyone else’s opinion of you! When did that happen? When did G-Dragon become such a ing coward?”
Jiyong stood then, more angry than sad, and let his glass fall onto the coffee table with a sharp ‘clink’. He clenched his hands at his sides so he wouldn’t lash out, and just as he was opening his mouth to unleash a slew of admittedly thoughtless curses, Daesung leapt to his feet and jumped between the two men.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” he yelled, putting a hand on either of their shoulders, pushing them apart. “Calm down, both of you! Look, this is a problem you’re going to have to work out yourselves, but… I kind of already knew. I mean, you guys were so obvious, how could I not know, right?”
And now four sets of brown eyes were focused on him, and Daesung looked completely confused at everyone’s blank faces.
“What do you mean, you ‘kind of already knew’?” Youngbae asked, because clearly, he had missed something.