The women have had a food absent-mindedly, moreover other people also a little were actually worried at heart that after all Hua's Second Young Master was very initially formidable, but Hua's Second Young Master and this woman missed, but this women confessed the great nation teachers who was inferior to with the poisonous master, were not worried to be strange.
Qing Shui actually heart tranquil, so long as he were poisoned had not feared, let alone he also had Bi Dudan anything, but very long has not used, Qing Shui took to apportion the people immediately, two were very many.
„Here also has.”
Before several female there Qing Shui, has given much, had not used, but Qing Shui has traded to them, after all present compounded drug quality compared with beforehand must.
„What you have to plan that Great Scholar Imperial Court there you also do go back?” Has eaten meal later Qing Shui to send her to Imperial Dining Hall manor courtyard.
The women had not planned to live here, but has annoyed, might as well remains, the words that the great nation teachers present, oneself can also resist.
„He will not kill me, but does not allow me to go back absolutely, if I insist to leave him to estimate that cannot keep my life, he does not want to make Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace know that his human to the Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace intoxicates.” The women think to say.
„That he also has scruples Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace then, it seems like you are not low in the Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace status.” Qing Shui obtains some information from the words.
„He, if shoulders Five Poisons Immortal Palace and Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace contradiction, it is estimated that Five Poisons Immortal Palace will not let off him, I should be good in Heavenly Chess Immortal Palace.” Woman wind light Yun Dan saying.
„If, I meant if we did kill his matter to be what kind of?” Qing Shui thinks to ask.
„Great nation teachers are ingrained in Great Scholar Imperial Court, he in the Great Scholar Imperial Court many years, powerhouse or can have the powerhouse of relation to be many with him, kills him to estimate very troublesome, only if lets the inexplicableness that he dies, so long as actually makes him vanish, nobody noticed that does not have the matter.” The women look surprisedly Qing Shui but replied.
Kills the great nation teachers regarding the woman basically is impossible.
„Makes a person completely vanish is very easy.” Qing Shui knows that this mainland has the mysterious sensation, a person died, cannot induce his air/Qi, this was dying, explained that died, one type was his air/Qi has not broken, vanishes.
Disappearance of person has several possibilities ; first, the distance, will achieve certain distance strength influence unable to feel air/Qi of person to be, will leave an air bound of person destroys him again, but the method not high words of isolation person will leave behind the flaw.
The women think: „We cannot hit him.”
„Murder may not be victorious, not compared with strength rank.” Qing Shui said with a smile.
„Oh, tows in this matter to be sorry you very much that now how I do not know deal with, you run are not, remains is not.”
This world is this, sometimes encountered the problem is to run up to the ends of the earth did not have own sets up a place, sometimes let alone ran cannot be inescapable, this was such as the rivers and lakes of previous generation, in the previous generation said the human in the rivers and lakes body already, sometimes even if thinks that [gold/metal] Pen washed the hands, no longer inquired about the right and wrong in rivers and lakes not to be good, draws back to regress, only then the deceased person was withdraws.
Now although Qing Shui has not felt end of hills and rivers one step, but also felt a crisis, was formidable compared with this woman, moreover was not a person, if must hit, needs to plan well.
Ability that Qing Shui weakens, side strongest is this woman, oneself have kills to incur, in addition has the strategy, War-god Aura
Therefore gets up and has strength of the war, seemed very long has not fought well.