Some countries have an effective flood warning system that attempts to notify people who live in an area that is at risk of flooding. People are often advised to evacuate their homes and move to a safe area if a flood is imminent. The evacuation of towns or cities can lead to blocked roads as everybody is trying to leave at the same time. People living in countries without flood warning systems may not receive any notification of an incoming flood and will be left to endure the flood or attempt escaping the flood once it has hit.
Damage to Property
One effect that floods have on humans is damage to their property or business. This can be in the form of a person's home being ruined, a farmer's crops being destroyed or cars being swept away. The amount of damage caused by a flood depends on its severity and how long it lasts. Floods that were intensified by a cyclone raged in parts of Australia during January and February of 2011, and according to an Australian Treasury Official will cost the country's economy $9.6 billion.
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Loss of Life
Floods can kill people in a number of ways. Drowning can be the most immediate cause of death due to a flood, but the effects of a flood can create more causes of death. People can die through starvation if they are reliant on local crops that are destroyed or if emergency aid is not delivered in time. Another dangerous side effect of a flood is the spread of life-threatening diseases through contaminated water. People can also die if their homes are destroyed and they are left without shelter or medical supplies.
Irrational and Criminal Behavior
A flood can sometimes lead people to act in an irrational way and even carry out criminal acts. This can be attributed to a feeling of desperation and hopelessness but also to people feeling they can take advantage of the chaotic situation during and immediately after a flood. An example of this type of effect can be seen when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and caused catastrophic flooding. Law and order broke down in the city, and there were reported incidents of looting, robbery and murder.
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Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_8224435_effects-do-floods-humans.html