The small-toothed palm civet Arctogalidia trivirgata is a small, arboreal civet belonging to the subfamily
Paradoxurinae (Viverridae) that is found in northeast India, southern China, and Southeast Asia. This is an
understudied species with a debated taxonomy. Variation in coat colour and pattern has driven authors
to describe numerous taxa of this civet species, but no recent taxonomic revision and no intraspecific
molecular study have been conducted. We sequenced three mitochondrial and one nuclear markers in
order to study the geographical genetic structure of the small-toothed palm civet and to evaluate the
genetic divergence between different populations, and we examined various morphological features.
Our molecular results showed that the small-toothed palm civet forms two divergent clades: Clade 1:
mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra and nearby small islands, and Java; and Clade 2: Borneo. Further
investigations are needed to verify the possible specific status of these two clades. The populations north
of the Isthmus of Kra are characterized by a white ear tip and form a separate clade from the populations
south of the Isthmus of Kra, but their genetic divergence does not warrant a specific status. The Javan
small-toothed palm civet was found to have a low genetic divergence to the nearby populations within
Clade 1. Further studies are needed in order to confirm these results and to revise the taxonomy of the
small-toothed palm civet.
© 2015 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The small-toothed palm civet Arctogalidia trivirgata is a small, arboreal civet belonging to the subfamilyParadoxurinae (Viverridae) that is found in northeast India, southern China, and Southeast Asia. This is anunderstudied species with a debated taxonomy. Variation in coat colour and pattern has driven authorsto describe numerous taxa of this civet species, but no recent taxonomic revision and no intraspecificmolecular study have been conducted. We sequenced three mitochondrial and one nuclear markers inorder to study the geographical genetic structure of the small-toothed palm civet and to evaluate thegenetic divergence between different populations, and we examined various morphological features.Our molecular results showed that the small-toothed palm civet forms two divergent clades: Clade 1:mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra and nearby small islands, and Java; and Clade 2: Borneo. Furtherinvestigations are needed to verify the possible specific status of these two clades. The populations northof the Isthmus of Kra are characterized by a white ear tip and form a separate clade from the populationssouth of the Isthmus of Kra, but their genetic divergence does not warrant a specific status. The Javansmall-toothed palm civet was found to have a low genetic divergence to the nearby populations withinClade 1. Further studies are needed in order to confirm these results and to revise the taxonomy of thesmall-toothed palm civet.
© 2015 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
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