On behave of THOHUN, first I would like to thank you all for participating in International Short Course on Ecosystem Health: Health issues at the human-animal- environment interface on June 6-24, 2016.
1. As part of the course, I'd like to ask you to write short details (1 page) about
- Your background : education, expertise, disciplinary etc.
- Why did you interested in joining this course?
- What do you intend to use knowledge form this course in the future?
2. For this course, THOHUN will has insurance for every participants. Please send back your details to this email. Require information:
- Name -Surname
- ID number or passport number
- Date of birth
- Age
- Beneficiary (ชื่อผู้รับผลประโยชน์) and relationship
3. I send you course schedule in the attach file.
4. Transportation: We will leave Bangkok on Sunday June 5 at 13.00 from Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University (Ratchawithi road) in front of Tranakchit Harinasuta Building (see map in attach file).
For those of you who come by plane on that they to Suvarnabhumi airport, there will be a van pick you up from the airport. Our staff will contact you individually later.
Please send all request detail back with in June 2. Thank you very much.
We're looking forward to meet all of you on June 5! If you have any question, please feel free to contact me via email or call +66 89 480 8309.