4NAG 91.3fm is Yeppoon’s very own community radio station. More than 40 volunteers bring a wealth of skills, talent and community networks to the airways. The station produces high quality and imaginative programs and plays a key role in Yeppoon’s community.
Radio 4NAG is the non-profit making, independent, full-time community radio station located at The local volunteers are united by six guiding principles:
Promote harmony and diversity and contribute to an inclusive, cohesive and culturally diverse Australian community.
Pursue the principles of democracy, access and equity, especially for people and issues not adequately represented in other media.
Enhance the diversity of programming choices available to the public and present programs that expand the variety of viewpoints broadcast in Australia.
Demonstrate independence in programming as well as in editorial and management decisions.
Support and develop local arts and music.
Increase community involvement in broadcasting.