Benefits to Singapore Exporters to Jordan
The FTA paves the way for the removal of tariffs on 100% of Singapore goods, currently exported to Jordan, within ten years from entry into force. Currently, 48% of Singapore goods enter Jordan duty-free. As a result of tariff elimination under the SJFTA, an additional 44.6% of Singapore goods will enjoy an immediate cost advantage over other countries without an FTA with Jordan. The remaining 7.4% of Singapore goods will reap the benefit of the FTA six years after the FTA comes into effect.
The tariff concessions will assist Singapore exporters with interest in Jordan as it covers all sectors of goods comprehensively, ranging from distinctively Singapore products such as instant noodles, three-in-one coffee mixes and orchids, to chemicals and electrical products such as electric irons.
Singapore businesses exporting to Jordan can therefore benefit from reduced cost burdens resulting from tariff elimination. This in turn increases the competitiveness of Singapore's exports.