Legalizing the download of the music subjects the stakeholders to various disadvantages. For instance, the downloading of the music compromises the quality of the music that the fans access on the internet. The low quality accessed on the internet leads to low returns of the musicians thus hindering the financial stability despite the popularity. The piracy lowers the quality of the music and other people operating the various website benefits more than the musicians (Cottrell, 2011). In this case, controlling the selling of the music through creation of a competent organization the highly focus on combating the websites that capitalize on downloading of music could enhance the development of music industry and the artists. Musicians pursue music as a career and thus there should exist a mechanism that guards and protects the musician to ensure their creativity and hard work pays highly. Moreover, it will regulate the people who benefit illegally on the piracy music through upholding policies such as copyrights to ensure musicians are fully protected.