The Kinnaras,fabulous beings with the body of a man and the head of hores ( or vice versa)
are his musicians.
Siva-linga,God of Fecundity. At the same time as he is the destroyer-god Siva is also the God of Fecundity. He is then worshipped in the shape of the linga
Just as along the roads of Greek and Roman antiquuity there might be seen images of Priaous at
every field’s end, in other words, practically everywhere, so in India to-day we may come upon those little cylindrical boundary-marks, more or less orna mented, which are the lingas.
This cult is in no way the same as that of the sktis, which often involves orgiastic practices.
Even in our day and in spite of the decay of the traditions the linga has not lost its esoteric symbolical character.
ASIATIC MYTHOLGYThe Kinnaras,fabulous beings with the body of a man and the head of hores ( or vice versa)are his musicians.Siva-linga,God of Fecundity. At the same time as he is the destroyer-god Siva is also the God of Fecundity. He is then worshipped in the shape of the lingaJust as along the roads of Greek and Roman antiquuity there might be seen images of Priaous atevery field’s end, in other words, practically everywhere, so in India to-day we may come upon those little cylindrical boundary-marks, more or less orna mented, which are the lingas.This cult is in no way the same as that of the sktis, which often involves orgiastic practices. Even in our day and in spite of the decay of the traditions the linga has not lost its esoteric symbolical character.
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