aluminium energy storage systems devote a subsection to the
aluminiumeair battery electrochemistry [2,3]. Others focus solely
on aluminiumeair batteries and detail the advances made together
with their developing applications [13e20], such as a power source
for electric vehicles [21,22]. There are specialised reviews that
examine aluminium corrosion mechanisms in saline solutions for
the cathodic protection of marine structures [23] and under opencircuit
conditions in alkaline solutions with relevance to nuclear
engineering [24]. Currently, the rapid development of rechargeable
metaleair cells such as the lithiumeair and zinceair ones has
attracted considerable interest. The classical aluminiumeair cell
retains niche applications and continues to attract attention,
however, since it is simple in design and robust, has none of the
safety concerns raised by lithiumeair and is environmentally sustainable
due to the known resources of aluminium and the facility
for recycling the metal.