Hi Dear,
I am glad to hear from you Well, I hope we shall continue to be open and share our feelings to each other.I believe that our future is bright,and God has great things in store for us in the future. I am so much glad that you have the quality of what I am looking for,because from what I have already observed about you.I am convinced that you will make a good wife for your husband. I want us to rely on almighty to take control of this communication. Let him guide and lead us to the right channel because we are not perfect.
It's really a pleasure knowing you and I do hope that each and every step we make will be a blessing for us and our families. I am glad for you and will always try my best to be whatever you want me to be for you in this relationship. It's amazing to know that nice people like you are still out there and I considered myself lucky to meet you. If everything works out for us, we shall be witness to so many people,as they testify. I have heard a lot of people, who met their soul mates through online dating.
I admired them and pray that one day I will found a loving,caring and sincere woman to love and share all I have with her. It's not easy being alone, I just believe we are meant to be together in the future. My prayer always is to meet a nice and sincere lady from any part of the world if it’s the will of Almighty. Now I have found you dear. I do not mind the distance between us. Hope you have switched off your profile from the site? Always take good care of yourself my dear.
Lots of care and love to you.
Since I began to contact you via E - MAIL ONLINE in this, I don't have to find partners WEB SITE again, I believe that destiny and I believe that you are the people who are gooD