Our aim is to ensure that we live the Tesco Values in all the markets in which we operate. Our
Values are the bedrock which guide us to treat our staff, customers, and suppliers
consistently throughout the company.
Tesco is committed to upholding basic human rights and supports in full the UN Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation Core Conventions.
We are committed to the following:
− We will treat all employees fairly and honestly regardless of where they work. All staff
will have a written contract of employment, with agreed terms and conditions,
including notice periods on both sides. All staff are entitled to reasonable rest breaks,
access to toilets, rest facilities and potable water at their place of work, and holiday
leave in accordance with the legislation of the country where they work. All
employees are provided with appropriate job skills training.
− We will pay a fair wage reflecting the local markets and conditions. We always meet
the national minimum wage and this is a key factor which we take into account when
looking at pay and conditions.
− Working hours shall not be excessive. They shall comply with industry guidelines and
national standards where they exist.
− Employment must be freely chosen. Overtime shall be voluntary. We will not employ
illegal child labour, forced or bonded labour or condone illegal child labour, forced or
unpaid overtime. Where we employ children, we will comply with the relevant
national laws.
− Employees have the right to freedom of association. We recognise the right of our
staff to join a recognised trade union where this is allowed within national law.
− We provide a safe working environment for our employees by minimising, as far as is
reasonably practicable, risks in the workplace. All employees receive regular health
and safety training. We provide proper governance for health and safety.
− We will abide by the non-discrimination laws of every country where we operate.
− We will not use, or condone the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical
coercion or verbal abuse. Tesco has disciplinary procedures for any member of staff
whose conduct or performance falls below the required standard.
− We have formal grievance procedures through which staff can raise personal and
work related issues.
− We have a series of Codes of Ethics that govern relationships between employees,
suppliers and contractors. Tesco will not undertake any practices that contravene
these Codes and our Compliance Committee regularly monitors adherence.