The U.S. Army requires the following specifications for the tire to be acceptable.
Tire for an M1 Abrams tank : 6 wide *25 circumference *1 thick.
Total number of tires required 15,000
Test to be performed on random tire selections :
Puller test : For 6, The tire must be able to pull at least 600 psi on a tire puller.
Mileage test 1: The tire must run for six hours on a flywheel at 35 mph. The load of the tank also is simulated during testing. When finished, the tire must be free from blemishes (cracks, scratches, etc.)
Mileage test 2 : The tire must run for 48 hours on a flywheel at 15mph. The load of the tank also is simulated during testing; When finished, the tire must be free from blemushes.
(erwck, serai lor 15 hours on a lywied at 15 mph The 2 The tire must load ot the tank also is simulated d testing. When finishe the tire mus be free from blemushes In addition to the above tests samples must be cut trom random ture selections and tested to meet the following specifucation suo o wide x 7" long 1 Sam Tensile strength 6 Mpa or s70 poi Elongation 200 percent Raw Material Specifications order to produce re to the client s specification aerian Pri purchase raw materials to the following specihoations Rubber required Carbon black masterbatch Delivery units Bales of 75 pounds in weight Line call out ASTM D 2000 M 2 AE 702 Durometer 70 5 Tensile strenyth 7 Mpa or n015 psi Elongation 200 percent suppliers (Goodyear