A. Community Efforts: To what extent are there efforts, programs, and policies that address the issue?
B. Community Knowledge of the Efforts: To what extent do community members know about local efforts and their effectiveness, and are the efforts accessible to all segments of the community?
C. Leadership: To what extent are appointed leaders and influential community members supportive of the issue?
D. Community Climate: What is the prevailing attitude of the community toward the issue? Is it one of helplessness or one of responsibility and empowerment?
E. Community Knowledge about the Issue: To what extent do community members know about the causes of the problem, consequences, and how it impacts your community?
F. Resources Related to the Issue: To what extent are local resources – people, time, money, space, etc. – available to support efforts?
Your community’s status with respect to each of the dimensions forms the basis of the overall level of community readiness.